Buy a turnkey Forex Brokerage Company
January 24, 2024
The Best Exclusive Offer of 2024 for private investors, software developers, traders selling trading signals, sellers of trading advisors, trading account managers, investment companies, large brokerage companies, as well as for everyone who wants to open their own business in the Forex market with minimal costs. This offer is for you. Do not miss your chance.
You get paid access to the MT4 Server for 1 year, control and management of the server through MetaTrader4 Administrator and MetaTrader4 Manager. The server is issued to one person, so you are the only tenant and administrator of your server, and have full control over it. Thus, technically, the MetaTrader4 Server for studying costs you only 0.264 Bitcoin per year, which is undoubtedly the most meager price in this service market, taking into account all the restrictions.
You can make sure by examining the commercial offer price MetaTrader4.pdf
Excellent gift MetaTrader4 Server for rent for one year at a price of only 0.264 BTC
Dedicated physical server
MetaTrader4 Server
MetaTrader4 Administrator
MetaTrader4 Manager
MetaTrader4 Client
Today we can say with confidence that the opening of a brokerage company is available to every client and segment of the population, and the price of brokerage software will pleasantly surprise you, since it will not be more expensive than a new car.
October 21, 2023
We are 12 years old!
In honor of the Anniversary, a PROMO is available - PROMOTION "MetaTrader4 Trading Server for 22,500 Euro"
We offer everyone who wants to get a ready-made MetaTrader4 server into their own hands a maximum discount of 50% for all time
The 50% discount speaks for itself. You pay half as much and get the opportunity not only to minimize your costs of starting your own business, but from the very first minutes to competently and rationally invest in your own business.
Sales are limited. The PROMOTION period is limited.
Be among the leaders - don't miss your chance today to be one step ahead of your competitors.
Reducing the price for the MetaTrader4 server will not in any way affect the provision of technical support and support to our clients.
We provide our services in full.
The 50% discount does not apply to a number of additional services.
You can find out more by contacting us directly via Skype or writing a letter to our e-mail.
You just need to write your development plan in more detail and detail. Write to us what you want to receive and our managers will give you a complete and detailed answer and provide all calculations as soon as possible. They will answer all your additional questions and provide a free consultation.
March 9, 2022
The new year 2022, in the wake of COVID-19, brought even more sanctions and restrictions that have to be observed. The war between Ukraine and Russia entails not only catastrophic and global problems in the economy of these countries, but also affects the interests of the entire world community. We, together with everyone, are worried about the current situation in the world.
Unlike our competitors who raise prices with any increase in the dollar, on the contrary, we show loyalty to our regular and new customers. Today, each of you can Rent a MetaTrader4 Forex server for the price of a trading server. Remember that you are starting your own business, which cannot cost as much as a beer. We reduced prices by 30%, in some cases the price became two or three times cheaper. It remains available for you to rent separate groups on the MetaTrader4 server and trading accounts for working with clients. The commercial offer offers available options for contracts on the issue of Opening a turnkey Forex brokerage company.
As before, our prices in this segment remain the lowest in the entire market in the world. We do not distinguish between clients based on nationality and geo-location of residence. Moreover, we have an individual approach to each client with maximum loyalty, from the maximum discount on our goods and services to payment by installments on the account, while the client starts using the MetaTrader4 trading server from the first minutes. You can make sure by examining the commercial offer SaleMetaTrader4Srv.ru.v5.22.pdf for CIS customers (Russian speakers), and compare with the commercial offer for foreign customers (English speakers) price SaleMetaTrader4Srv.en.v5.22.pdf will be the same. But, if a client contacts us again, orders a new MetaTrader4 server, a new White Label, a MetaTrader4 license, he receives additional big discounts. Thus, we have a system of discounts for each client.
For clients who already have their own MetaTrader4 trading server, prices are reduced five times for a perpetual MetaTrader4 license. All you need to provide is your trading server and make a payment on the account, while you get a significant benefit. Today we can say with confidence that the opening of a brokerage company is available to every client and segment of the population, and the price of brokerage software will pleasantly surprise you, since it will not be more expensive than a new car.
October 19, 2021
Do you want to rent a MetaTrader4 Forex server not expensive? You can rent individual groups on the MetaTrader4 server and trading accounts to work with clients. We offer a huge range of price proposals on the issue of Opening a turnkey Forex brokerage company.
Undoubtedly, our prices in this segment remain the lowest in the entire market in the world. We do not differentiate clients based on nationality and geolocation of residence. Moreover, we have an individual approach to each client with maximum loyalty, from the maximum discount on our goods and services to payment by installments on the account, while the client starts using the MetaTrader4 trading server from the first minutes. You can make sure by studying the commercial offer SaleSrvFX_v4_21PromoRu.pdf for a client from the CIS (Russian-speaking), and compare with the commercial offer for foreign clients (English-speaking) the price SaleSrvFX_v4_21PromoEn.pdf will be the same. But, if a client contacts us again, orders a new server, a new White Label, a new server, he gets a discount for a license. Thus, we have a system of discounts for each client.
For clients who already have their own MetaTrader4 trading server, prices are reduced several times for a perpetual license. All you need to provide is your trading server and pay the invoice, while you get significant benefits. Today we can say with confidence that opening a brokerage company is available for every client and segment of the population, and the price of brokerage software will pleasantly surprise, since it will not be more expensive than a new car.
August 22, 2020
It has become much easier to buy a turnkey Forex Brokerage company. The minimum investment when purchasing a MetaTrader4 Forex server will pleasantly surprise our clients. You can also Rent a Forex trading server MetaTrader4
Many of our clients asked for the minimum tariffs for paying a license for the MetaTrader4 trading server, for connecting and activating the MetaTrader4 server itself, and to reduce the price for Test access. We listened to the wishes and today customers are given 11 different tariffs and payment options to choose from. Test access to the MetaTrader4 trading server has become conditionally free, which means that everyone can study and test the MetaTrader4 server completely free of charge, but for a certain, limited time. He can also get additional time for the Test for a small, additional fee.
Added additional plugins that can be purchased with a discount of up to 50% at no extra cost. The functions of technical support and administration of trade servers have been expanded, the price for company promotion and maintenance has been reduced. Added additional options that each client can purchase only after purchasing a turnkey MetaTrader4 trading server with full payment on the account.
March 1, 2019
We are glad to announce that we are now able to provide additional modules for Brokerage Company with trade MetaTrader4 servers. The modules that make the work your company will be even easier and easier.
These plug-ins, and extend and expand the basic functionality of MetaTrader4 server that allows you to fully coordinate the work of not only the server itself, but also to all customers in general.
More details can be considered under "Tools." You can send us your terms of reference for the development of new, additional models that you think will be necessary for you to work. After learning your job, we say the delivery time and amount of the contract.
All extra modules and plugins that you can observe in the section "Products" are optional and not included in the total cost of the contract for execution of works and services associated with the organization of brokerage services clients trading through the Internet.
Of course, we can consider the possibility of reducing the prices of our products and pricing to the individual approach to each client according to the total amount of your order, we can consider reducing the price, and customers receive a discount.
June 15, 2018
Reducing the cost for the opening of a key three times thanks to a new price offer. With the possibility of payment by installments throughout the year, an initial payment of $ 65000
We have revised quotation for works and services associated with the organization of brokerage trading in customer service over the Internet.
Accordingly, you also have the full right to examine both the old and the new price offer and naturally be able to understand the difference and get an answer to the question because of what and why the price dropped. To do this you need to make a request and obtain the necessary documents for the study.
This contract has a minimum set of tools that includes all necessary components for you to start working as an independent company, and you have the opportunity to get started with minimal investment.
All of this contributes to your rapid development in the initial stage and the ability to repay the principal of the profits, and hence all the expenses for the entire complex of you may be limited to a maximum of $ 65000
Rely on our experience and trust us, this is truly an excellent investment proposals of your money in your business.
This price offer for those who are truly able to appreciate not only your time and money, but also a return on their investment.
November 06, 2017
Complete solution of $ 35000. Cooperative enterprises with the distribution of profits 30/30/30. Working together with two partners (investors 2+1).
The decision was prompted by our clients for consideration after a lengthy analysis and repeated execution of the contract for execution of works and services associated with the organization of brokerage services clients trading through the Internet.
At the moment it enjoys the potential demand from our customers who, because of their beliefs questioned the profitability of the business after its opening, or for some other reason can not afford to buy the entire set of their own.
Note that you invest your money in full service, therefore, have a full range allows for a full-scale operation with customers.
All this is achieved by the fact that you will have a joint venture, your company is called together, and therefore your cost of digging the opening cut several times.
The essence of this proposal is quite simple. You become an equal owner of the business and the whole complex, but receive only 30% of the profits from the operation of your brokerage firm, and the cost of the initial stage will amount to $ 35000, which is the minimum and without risk, if I may say so the sum of which operate even simple traders in the market Forex.
Therefore, if you're an investor, a businessman who wants to have a business and wants to open it with minimal investment it offers just for you.